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For use in anaesthesia and resuscitation

i-gel® is a truly unique, single-use, latex and PVC free second generation supraglottic airway management device that represents the culmination of years of extensive research and development. Made from a medical grade thermoplastic elastomer, i-gel® has been designed to create a non-inflatable, anatomical seal of the pharyngeal, laryngeal and perilaryngeal structures whilst avoiding compression trauma. The i-gel® supraglottic airway is supplied in a fully recyclable protective cradle or cage pack. This unique packaging protects the i-gel® in transit and ensures that it maintains its anatomical shape. i-gel® is available in seven sizes.

Visit for further information and visit our clinical evidence database to review abstracts from a comprehensive list of all known published clinical evidence on the i-gel® device.

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© Intersurgical S.p.A, 2024
Via Tonino Morandi 12 41037 Mirandola (MO) - Italia
0039 0535 20836